Luis Caruncho 1929-

Luis Caruncho was born in Corunna in 1929 - He is a Spanish painter, sculptor, curator and gallerist.

Caruncho's family moved to Madrid in 1940. After completing his national service in the Spanish airforce Caruncho briefly studied Industrial Engineering and Architecture (at la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales) in Madrid before - after a chance of heart - attending the University of Provence to study art history. Caruncho then studied at the School of Art, Craft and Fine Art at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid - where he studied under the Spanish cubist painter Vazquez Diaz (1882-1969).

In the early seventies, Caruncho was a founder members of the Spanish Group of Constructivists (Grupo de Constructivistas Españoles). During their exhibition in New York in 1976, Caruncho (alongside fellow artists Feliciano Hernández, José María de Labra, Maribel Nazco, Salvador Soria, Senen Ubuña, Ricardo Ugarte and the then director of the Museum of Contemporary Art and art critic Carlos Areán), signed the 'Manifesto of the Open Group of Constructive Art' (Manifiesto del Grupo abierto de Arte Constructivo)

Caruncho's work has always strived to break the boundary between painting and sculpture.

Caruncho exhibited extensively (throughout the world) between 1972 and 2001.

Luis Caruncho is also a curator - Most notably 'Los pintores de la Ilustración' (Painters of the Enlightenment) and 'Pintores Españoles de la Escuela de París' (Spanish Painters of the School of Paris). With the creation (in 1974) of the Kandinsky room in Madrid and as director of the Conde Duque Cultural Centre and the Museum of Contemporary Art-Union Fenosa La Coruna, he is also a gallerist.

In 1998 the Galician regional government awarded Caruncho the Castelao Medal for his work. He has also been honoured by The Royal Galician Academy of Fine Arts (La Real Academia Gallega de Bellas Artes) and has been awarded la Medalla al Mérito (Medal of Merit) by the city of Madrid.

Caruncho currently lives in Madrid.

Luis Caruncho