Åge Handest 1894-1965

Åge Handset was born in Aarhus, Denmark on 29th November 1894.

A self-taught painter, Handset travelled to Norway and Sweden in 1921 and Germany and Italy in 1922. He married Christiane Sorensen in 1925 before being appointed head of painting at the Aarhus Technical School at Dalgas Avenue (Teknisk Skole på Dalgas Avenue).

Following the liberation of Denmark after the Second World War the Aarhuus Herald-Tribune (Aarhuus Stiftstidende) newspaper launched a Sunday suppliment 'Hjemmets søndag' using a poster designed by Handest - To view the poster, please click Here

Handset exhibited annually at the Kunsthal Aarhus Spring salon between 1936 and 1946 - Established in 1917, the Kunsthal Aarhus is one of Denmark’s largest and most important venues for contemporary art, and with the 'Artists' Association of 18th November' (Kunstnerforeningen af 18. november) - an association of professional painters, sculptors, painters, graphic artists, architects, musicians, dancers and writers between 1933 and 1937. Other exhibitions include the Council Hall, Aarhus (1923), in Gothenburg (1941), Aarhus City Hall (1943) and Jugels Udstillingssal, Aarhus (1944).

Åge Handset died in 4th June 1965, aged 70.